Law Enforcement Officer Position

Des Moines Police Department - Police Officer



The information herein is provided by the respective agency and is only as accurate and as up-to-date as the agency representative(s) update this information. PST is not responsible for the veracity of this data as it is provided directly from the agency. It is ultimately the applicant's responsibility to verify any information about the agency with the agency.

Des Moines Police Department - Police Officer

Last updated on February 26, 2025
PST Partner Agency since October 19, 2011

Important Information


Now Offering a $25,000 Hiring Incentive for Lateral Police Officers! In addition, Lateral Police Officers will receive 40 hours of Vacation and 40 hours of Sick Leave upon hire.

**Lateral Candidates and Academy Graduates DO NOT need to take a written or physical fitness exam. If you are a commissioned law enforcement officer with 12 months consecutive POST certification and are interested in a lateral opportunity, please contact Des Moines Civil Service at


Now Offering a $3,000 Hiring Incentive for Entry Level Police Officers! Passing candidates are advised to check their email/junk folders for messages from our Civil Service Secretary and Hiring Unit for next steps and application. Our hiring process is fast-paced and we can accommodate flexible schedules for those applicants who are responsive and timely. Candidates who pass Public Safety Testing must complete a city of Des Moines application at

Community Information

The City of Des Moines is a waterfront community, situated on the shores of Puget Sound. It has a large city-owned Marina in the downtown core. Two additional city-owned waterfront parks, and a State-run waterfront campground, help make Des Moines a beautiful community. Des Moines is situated midpoint between Seattle and Tacoma on the I-5 corridor, immediately south and adjacent to the Seattle Tacoma International Airport. Des Moines is home to Highline College.

Department Information

The department, under the direction of Chief Ted Boe, is guided by a written strategic plan. Developed mutually by the department and community, the strategic plan has specific goals and objectives helping the department to plan and grow. Valuing high ethical standards, the department prides itself in the quality of its employees and service to the community. Des Moines is a modern department with quality equipment and a caring and supportive staff.

Patrol Officers work a 3 days on 3 days off 12 hour schedule. The department is seeking individuals who want to do more than answer calls for service. We are seeking officers who are problem-solvers and wanting to work with the community to reduce calls for service and lower the crime rate.

Area Information

County: King
Population: 32,000
# of Staff: 53

Hiring Status

The eligibility list is a continuous listing and maintained as scores are received from PST with oral board interviews conducted on an as-needed basis. Vacancies are filled by Civil Service "rule of five" with the top five candidates forwarded to the appointing authority for background investigation and selection as vacancies occur.


Salary Information

Annual Base Salary: 

$80,514 to $87,294 DOQ while in the police academy

$92,016 to $99,764 DOQ after completion of Field Training Officer Program

$141,721 after 10 years with maximum incentives

Premium Pay and Benefits

  • Educational incentive pay:  2.5% for AA/AS/AT, 4% for BA/BS, 5% for MA/MS/MPA
  • Take home vehicle program (Up to 35 miles from city)
  • Bank of 104 hours of holiday leave received each January
  • 48 hours of holiday time may be cashed out each December
  • 110 hours of Kelly Time off per year
  • 96 hours of paid vacation leave per year, progressing up to 192 hours
  • 96 hours of paid sick leave per year
  • Monthly sick leave cash out deposited into 457 account (2 hours if sick leave balance is over 200 hours, 3 hours if over 300 hours)
  • The City participates in the Washington State LEOFF 2 retirement system
  • In addition, the City contributes 6.52% of wages to a 401(a) Social Security replacement plan

Note:  Guild Contract 2022 - 2024

Benefit Information

Insurance Coverage and Retirement: The City provides an attractive benefits package which includes medical, dental, vision, life insurance at 150% of annual salary, long term disability insurance, survivor income benefit insurance, Washington State LEOFF retirement, plus a 401(a) Social Security replacement plan.  See Benefits Summary at 

Note:  Guild Contract 2022 - 2024


Des Moines Police Department - Police Officer Requirements

Category Requirement Required at time of...
    Test Hire
Written Examination Yes, required
LEO/CO Physical Ability Test (PAT) Yes, required

Your physical ability test must be completed 180 days (~6 months) before or after your passing written exam.

Minimum Age 21
Citizenship US Citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident.
High School Grad/ GED Yes
Driver's License Required Valid Washington State driver's license at time of appointment.
Felony Conviction(s) as an Adult None.
Felony Conviction(s) as a Juvenile None.
Ability to Read, Speak & Write the English Language Yes
Vision Requirements Per LEOFF Standards.
College Requirement No college required; however, preference points are awarded based on the following types of degrees from a college accredited by either the Northwest Association of Schools & Colleges or by any other regional accredited association formally recognized by NASC:

AA or AS: 5% added to final cumulative score
BA or BS: 8% added to final cumulative score
MA, MS, or MPA: 10% added to final cumulative score
Basic Law Enforcement Academy Certification Must successfully obtain within one year of hire.
Veterans Preference Points Any applicant who meets the requirements of the Civil Service Commission of Des Moines & RCW 41.04.010 is eligible to receive 10% added to their final cumulative score. Veteran means any person who satisfies the definition in RCW 41.04.005.
Multiple Scores from Same Applicant We only consider the most recent score

Des Moines Police Department - Police Officer Disqualifiers

The following are automatic and potential disqualifiers. Applicants should not apply to our agency if they indicate any of the automatic disqualifiers. Potential disqualifiers will be considered on a case by case basis.

Category Disqualifier

Received more than two moving traffic violations within the preceding 3 years; or reckless driving violation within the preceding 5 years; or driving while license suspended within the preceding 5 years; or driving while intoxicated within the preceding five years.


Been involved in more than one motor vehicle accident within the preceding 3 years for which the applicant received a traffic or criminal citation and was convicted, forfeited bail, or entered a plea of "guilty" or "nolo contendere".


Excessive traffic violations.

Drug Usage

Sold narcotics or dangerous drugs.


All illegal drug use will be closely scrutinized on a case by case basis.


Had a pattern of abusing prescription medication.

Automatic Any illegal use or possession of a drug while employed in any law enforcement capacity, including military police.
Automatic Any manufacture or cultivation of a drug or illegal substance.
Automatic Failure to divulge to the Department any information about personal illegal use or possession of drugs.
Automatic Any drug test of the applicant, during the course of the hiring process, where illegal drugs are detected.
Potential Any illegal use or possession of a drug as a juvenile.
Potential Any illegal adult use or possession of a drug that does not meet the criteria of the automatic disqualifiers specified above.
Potential Any illegal or unauthorized use of prescription medications.
Criminal Activity
Automatic Conviction of any offense classified as a misdemeanor under Washington law while employed as a peace officer (including military police officers).
Automatic Admission(s) of any act while employed as a peace officer (including military police officers) involving lying, falsification of any official report or document, theft, or crimes of deception.
Automatic Previous revocation of CJTC/POST Certification or suspension of current CJTC/POST Certification.
Automatic Admission(s) of any unlawful sexual misconduct.
Potential Conviction of any criminal offense classified as a misdemeanor under Washington law within three years prior to application.
Potential Conviction for two or more misdemeanor offenses under Washington law as an adult.
Potential Admission(s) of having committed any act amounting to a felony under Washington law.
Potential Admission(s) of any act of domestic violence as defined by law.
Potential Any history of actions resulting in civil lawsuits against the applicant or his/her employer may be disqualifying.
Potential Disqualification from consideration for law enforcement, fire, corrections or dispatch employment.
Potential Having any outstanding warrant of arrest at time of application.
Potential Admission(s) of and/ or criminal conviction(s) for any act amounting to assault under color of authority or any other violation of federal or state civil rights laws.
Potential Admission(s) of and/ or administrative findings for failure to properly report witnessed criminal conduct committed by another law enforcement officer.
Potential Resigning from any paid position without notice shall be disqualifying, except where the presence of a hostile work environment is alleged.
Potential Having been disciplined by any employer (including military) as an adult for abuse of leave, gross insubordination, dereliction of duty, or persistent failure to follow established policies and regulations.
Potential Having been involuntarily dismissed (for any reason other than lay-off) from two or more employers as an adult.
Potential Having held more than seven paid positions with different employers within the past four years, or more than 15 paid positions with different employers in the past ten years (excluding military). Students who attend school away from their permanent legal residence may be excused from this requirement.
Potential Having been disciplined by any employer (including the military and/or any law enforcement training facility) for acts constituting racial, ethnic or sexual harassment or discrimination.
Potential Having been disciplined by any employer as an adult for fighting in the workplace.
Potential Having undergone personal bankruptcy more than once, having current financial obligations for which legal judgments have not been satisfied, currently having wages garnished, or any other history of financial instability.
Automatic Any material misstatement of fact or significant admission during the application or background process shall be disqualifying, including inconsistent statements made during the initial background interview or polygraph examination or discrepancies between this background investigation and other investigations conducted by other law enforcement agencies.
Automatic Any forgery, alteration, or intentional omission of material facts on an official employment application document or sustained episodes of academic cheating.
Automatic Been dishonorably discharged from the United States Armed Forces.
Automatic Failure to pay Income Tax or Child Support.
Potential Uttering any epithet derogatory of another person's race, religion, gender, national origin or sexual orientation.
Potential Missing any scheduled appointment during the background process without prior permission.
Potential Being under current academic dismissal from any college or university where such dismissal is still in effect.
Potential Having been academically dismissed from any CJTC certified basic law enforcement academy wherein no demonstrated effort has been made to improve in the deficient areas, except: subsequent successful completion of another CJTC basic law enforcement academy shall rescind this requirement.

Contact Information

Des Moines Police Department - Police Officer

21900 11th Ave South
Des Moines, WA 98198 King County


Agency Test Requirements
Written Examination: Yes, required
PAT: Yes, required