The information herein is provided by the respective agency and is only as accurate and as up-to-date as the agency representative(s) update this information. PST is not responsible for the veracity of this data as it is provided directly from the agency. It is ultimately the applicant's responsibility to verify any information about the agency with the agency.
Kennewick Police Department - Police Officer
Last updated on February 28, 2025
PST Partner Agency since October 19, 2011
Vacancies: 10
Testing Deadline: July 01, 2025.
Important Information
The City of Kennewick is currently recruiting to fill several openings. Eligibility/placement on
the eligibility list will be based on the following:
Successful completion of the Physical Abilities Test (PAT) offered through PST/NTN
Passing the Written exam components offered through PST/NTN with a 70% of higher score on each exam component.
In addition, those who
successfully pass the background investigation and Command Board and are
approved to receive a conditional offer of employment will need to successfully
complete the following pre-employment exams:
· Medical Exam
· Psychological
· Polygraph Exam
· Kennewick
Police Department Physical Abilities Test (KPAT) to include the following:
Push-ups -
Timed test - 90 seconds to complete a minimum of 20
Sit-ups -
Timed test - 90 seconds to complete a minimum of 25
Squat Thrusts
- Timed Test - 3 minutes to complete a minimum of 35
Community Information
Located along the shores of the Columbia, Yakima, and Snake Rivers in southeastern Washington, Kennewick is a growing community of 91,785 that enjoys 300 days of sunshine a year. Kennewick, along with the neighboring cities of Richland and Pasco, comprise the Tri-Cities metropolitan area with a population of nearly 316,600. Kennewick is the largest of the Tri-Cities and is a regional shopping and entertainment hub and an outdoor recreational paradise. Kennewick offers breathtaking parks, a vibrant downtown, upscale dining and retail, art galleries, antique shops, and a variety of entertainment venues.
The Columbia Center Mall is one of the largest covered malls in Eastern Washington, and downtown Kennewick is undergoing a revitalization focusing on creating a great gathering place in a comfortable, hometown setting, where merchants and customers are friends and neighbors. The Tri-City area also boasts more than 200 wineries and micro-breweries within a 50-mile radius, producing some of the finest wines in the country.
The Tri-Cities is a sports minded community, which is reflected in the many public athletic facilities and is home to two professional sports teams: Tri-City Americans WHL Ice Hockey and Tri-City Dust Devils, a professional Single A affiliate of the Colorado Rockies. The Toyota Center in Kennewick hosts the Tri-City Americans WHL ice-hockey team, along with many great sporting and entertainment events throughout the year. Golf is one of the most popular sports enjoyed year-round in Kennewick, with over ten premier courses challenging the most experienced golfer as well as providing opportunity for the beginner.
The confluence of the Snake, Yakima, and Columbia Rivers has produced an aquatic playground that brings water lovers from all over the region together to enjoy sailing, boating, water-skiing, swimming, fishing, windsurfing, and more. The annual Benton-Franklin County Fair and Rodeo showcases National Championship cowboys and bull riders and brings in country and pop music entertainment stars.
Columbia Basin College and Washington State University Tri-Cities urban campus are located in the neighboring cities of Pasco and Richland. CBC offers a full array of Associate degree and vocational/technical career programs, while WSU provides undergraduate and graduate degree programs.
Department Information
The City of Kennewick is an equal opportunity employer and has an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) plan. This is a comprehensive plan that analyzes relevant labor market data, as well as employment practices, to identify possible barriers to the participation of women and minorities in all levels of the workforce. Its purpose is to ensure the opportunity for full and equal participation of men and women in the workplace, regardless of race, color, or national origin. The current EEO Workforce Diversity Plan and EEOP form are available for review in the Human Resources Department section of our website following this link
The Kennewick Police Department is a high energy, progressive organization whose motto is, “Committed to Your Safety”. By implementing community oriented policing programs and working with the other city municipal departments our collective vision is, “One Team – One Future.” Our commitment to the citizens who live, work, and play in Kennewick to continue with the work of “Leading the Way.”
We are an agency of 130 employees with an authorized commissioned strength of 110 officers. We have four divisions – the Patrol Division, the Criminal Investigations Division, the Special Services Division, and Administrative Services Division.
The Patrol Division is under the command of a Commander with nine (9) direct-report Sergeants. It consists of six 12-hour patrol squads supervised by Patrol Sergeants and a Traffic Unit supervised by a Traffic Sergeant. The department currently has one (1) Patrol K-9 officer. Officers may also test for specialty positions, such as SWAT, Traffic, Detectives, Criminal Apprehension Team, METRO Drug Task Force, US Marshal Fugitive Task Force, Violent Gang Safe Streets Task Force, School Resource Officer.
The Special Services Division is under the command of a Commander and includes Youth Services, Crime Prevention, Crime Resistant Community Living (CRCL), and the Records Unit. A Sergeant supervises Youth Services, consisting of eight (8) School Resource Officers (SRO’s) and also serves as the department’s Public Information Officer (PIO). The CRCL Officer also monitors the Registered Sex Offenders in the community and conducts monthly community meetings to keep citizens informed on the status of this offender group. The Staff Services Unit (Records) consists of 1 Supervisor, and 11 Support Specialists. The division also includes our volunteer group also known as Citizens Helping in Police Services (CHIPS).
The Criminal Investigations Division (CID) is under the command of a Commander. The Division is divided into separate specialty units. The first is the Crimes Against Persons Unit consisting of a detective sergeant and six detectives. One Investigator specializes as an Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Investigator. The second is the Crimes Against Property Unit consisting of a detective sergeant and six detectives. The third unit is the Criminal Apprehension Team (CAT). CAT is a proactive group of 1 sergeant and 4 detectives who target criminal gang activity, property crimes such as vehicle prowling and auto theft. CAT detectives work during the day and operate unmarked cars. They also respond to and assist with major crime scenes investigations as needed.
Additionally, detectives are assigned to regional task forces. There is 1 sergeant and 1 detective assigned to the Violent Gang Safe Streets Task Force, 1 sergeant and 1 detective assigned to the regional Metro Task Force, 1 detective assigned to DEA, 1 detective assigned to the US Marshals Fugitive Task Force, 1 evidence technician and 1 crime analyst that are assigned to Criminal Investigations.
The Administrative Services Division is under the direction of the Chief of Police. The division is comprised of one commander (Chief of Staff), one lieutenant and one administrative assistant. The Division includes the Office of Professional Standards, Internal Affairs, and Animal Control (ACA). The division also oversees the Department’s accreditation program and reviews and up-dates policies, procedures, and practices so they reflect “best practices” in law enforcement. The Kennewick Police Department is currently accredited by the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC).
Area Information
County: Benton
Population: 91,785
# of Staff: 130
Hiring Status
Kennewick Police Department - Police Officer has 10 vacancies.
The deadline to test for the next hiring cycle is July 01, 2025.
We typically pull test results once each month. These test results are processed and successful candidates are added to our Police Officer eligibility lists. The eligibility lists are presented at the monthly Civil Service Commission meeting scheduled for the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Once the Civil Service Commission has approved the eligibility list, we can begin processing applicants in the next step of the recruitment process, the background investigation. To view our most recently approved Civil Service lists, visit
Our Civil Service rules allow us to process candidates at a rate of 6+ the number of vacancies. If we have 10 vacancies we can process up to 16 candidates at the background step at a time. This is total, not 16 from each list. We have eligibility lists for Police Officer – Public Safety Testing, Police Officer – National Testing Network, and Lateral Police Officers.
When we have the capacity to process additional background packets, successful candidates will receive an email invite from with instructions for submitting background investigation documents. Please make sure that you add these individuals as safe contacts and check your email on a regular basis including your SPAM folder. If you do not respond by the deadline, you may be required to go through the testing process again.
Background: Applicants for the Police Department may be rejected if the Police Department deems that it does not have the resources to conduct the background investigation required pursuant to chapter 43.101 RCW. Resources mean materials, funding, and staff time. All applicants for the Police Department shall be fingerprinted, and a thorough search is made of fingerprints through local, state, and federal fingerprint files to disclose any criminal record. Applicants for the Police Department shall not have had a conviction for any crime, the punishment for which could have been imprisonment in a federal or state prison or similar institution, and shall not have been convicted of any offense involving moral turpitude, narcotics, or drugs. For the purpose of these rules the term “conviction” means a final conviction in a federal, state, or municipal court; and un-vacated forfeiture of bail or collateral deposited to secure an accused person’s appearance in court; the payment of a fine; a plea of guilty or a finding of guilt regardless of whether the imposition of sentence is deferred or the penalty suspended. Every applicant must furnish proof of good character, temperate habits and physical ability to perform the duties of the position to which he/she seeks employment. The Civil Service Commission may refuse to examine an applicant, or, after examination, refuse to certify as eligible an applicant, and may remove the applicant’s name from the eligible list for any of the following reasons:
Dismissal from any employment for delinquency or misconduct
Mental or physical unfitness for the position
Dishonest criminal, immoral, or notoriously disgraceful conduct
Intentional false statement in any material fact, or deception, or fraud, in securing an examination, certification, or appointment
Dishonorable discharge from military service
Habitual use of intoxicating liquors or use of narcotics
Failure to meet requirements as contained in examination announcement
Any other willful violation of the provisions of this rule
An oral interview by the hiring authority or his/her representative shall be given to determine if an applicant has any serious defect in background or ability to communicate which would render the applicant ineffective as an employee of the Police Department.
Salary Information
2025 Salary Information: $97,188 to $125,496 / Year (excludes holiday pay. $103,917 to $134,184 with holiday pay)
*Lateral hires are recognized with service credit based on the salary schedule listed above.
Career Development Program: Police Officer First Class: $9,744 Senior Police Officer: $10,078 Master Police Officer: $10,458
Benefit Information
Union Affiliation: Kennewick Police Officers Benefit Association, Medical, Dental, Vision Insurance, Annual Leave, Bereavement Leave, Deferred Compensation 457 Plan (with current 5% City contribution and no match required), Life Insurance, State Law Enforcement Officers and Fire Fighters (LEOFF 2) Retirement Plan, Employee Assistance Plan, Flex-Plan program. See additional benefits in the recruiting brochure. Here is the link: Recruiting Brochure
Kennewick Police Department - Police Officer Requirements
Required at time of...
Written Examination
Yes, required
LEO/CO Physical Ability Test (PAT)
Yes, required
Your physical ability test must be completed 180 days (~6 months) before or after your passing written exam.
PST Personal History Statement
Yes, required within 30 days of passing required exam(s)
Minimum Age
US Citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident
High School Grad/ GED
Driver's License Required
Felony Conviction(s) as an Adult
No adult felony convictions at any time.
Felony Conviction(s) as a Juvenile
Will be carefully reviewed
Ability to Read, Speak & Write the English Language
Vision Requirements
20/100 uncorrected and correctable to 20/20 in each eye.
Prior Experience Requirement
Veterans Preference Points
Veteran's Preference points will only be applied to a passing score not to bring a score up to the minimum requirement of 70%.
Body Decorations
Tattoos and jewelry must conform with Department policy.
Multiple Scores from Same Applicant
We only consider the most recent score
Kennewick Police Department - Police Officer Disqualifiers
The following are automatic and potential disqualifiers. Applicants should not apply to our agency if they indicate any of the automatic disqualifiers. Potential disqualifiers will be considered on a case by case basis.
Drug Usage
Illegal use of illegal drugs in the last 3 year(s).
Illegal opiate use.
Hallucinogen use at any time during life.
Other drug use outside these standards will be considered on case by case basis.
No illegal sale of ANY drug, including marijuana.
Pattern of illegal use of prescription medication.
Any use by injection of amphetamines/methamphetamines.
Use of cocaine over five times regardless of time frame.
Use of non-prescribed oral or injectable steroids within the last 3 years.
Use of marijuana products in last 12 months.
Use of amphetamines/methamphetamines.
Use of crack cocaine.
Any use of free-based cocaine/paste.
Illegal use of ANY controlled substance while employed in a criminal justice capacity.
Above are some typical disqualifiers, however the list is not all inclusive. All previous drug history information will be reviewed on a case by case basis to determine suitability.
Criminal Activity
Been convicted of any crime under a domestic violence statue.
Any adult felony conviction.
Any misdemeanor, or felony conviction while employed in a criminal justice capacity.
Unlawful sexual misconduct.
Adult misdemeanor convictions will be carefully reviewed.
Juvenile felony conviction will be carefully reviewed.
Been dishonorably discharged from the United States armed forces.
Lied during any stage of the hiring process.
Falsified his or her application, personal history questionnaire, or any other forms during hiring process.
Previous revocation or denial of (CJTC/POST) certified status, or suspension of current (CJTC/POST) certified status.
Failure to pay income tax or child support.
Current credit accounts, or unresolved accounts in collection will be carefully reviewed.
Contact Information
Kennewick Police Department - Police Officer
211 W 6th Avenue
Kennewick, WA 99336
Benton County 509-585-4382
All pre-employment tests in Washington State have been canceled until May 31, 2020 unless government restrictions are eased. With recent updates, facility closures, and government guidelines, this step is necessary and could be modified at any time. The health and safety of our customers, our staff, and their families is of the highest priority.
We will continue to evaluate developments and make changes to this policy as necessary. When we do resume testing, there will be plenty of events for everyone to test. We are in regular communication with our public safety agency partners, assessing alternatives to the traditional testing model and our testing policies. Any future updates will be posted on the PST website and our Facebook page.
4/1/2020 Update:
If you have tested with PST in the past 12 months, there may be additional positions you are now eligible to add. Several departments have temporarily changed their testing policies due to the suspension in testing that COVID-19 has caused. Please login to your PST account and navigate to the ‘New Positions’ page to see what departments you can add! We will regularly update that page in your account as departments send updates.
We know that there will be testing in the future - we just don’t know when! We want you to be prepared for when testing begins again so we have created test events on our calendar that you can register for that will place you in a queue to be first notified. These tests are not “real” test events, they are essentially a holding area. You will be able to “reschedule” out of that event to any other event date/location at no cost. Registering now will also give you time to work on your Personal History Statement (PHS) so that your data will be ready and up-to-date to send to your departments once testing resumes.
To sign up for this placeholder event, select the June 15, 2020 test date in your category (police, fire, 911 dispatch, corrections, etc.).
You may also click on the test event of interest below to sign up:
Please check back here frequently and ‘Like’ our Facebook page to stay updated.
PST staff are working remotely and are available by email at We anticipate a high email volume and will respond as quickly as possible.