Firefighter Position

King County Medic One - Paramedic



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King County Medic One - Paramedic

Last updated on March 04, 2025
PST Partner Agency since October 19, 2011

Vacancies: 6-10

Important Information

King County Medic One requires two years (24 months) of certification as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT or Intermediate (AEMT/EMT-I) or Paramedic by the closing date of an open job announcement. Equivalent training from outside the United States will be considered with the candidate being required to provide all relevant documentation to demonstrate equivalency. All candidates must hold a current EMS certification (EMT, AEMT or Paramedic) from a US State or National Registry of EMTs. All candidates must be eligible to work in the U.S. at time of application.

Community Information


Department Information

King County Medic One is a county-operated public EMS service that is the sole provider of pre-hospital 911 Advanced Life Support in south King County, Washington, responding only to ALS-level 911 calls with nine medic units in an area of approximately 500 square miles with a population of approximately 900,000 people.

Job Description

King County Medic One hires for the position(s) of Paramedic In Training. EMS professionals (EMT, AEMT or Paramedics) are given equal consideration for one of these positions.

Regardless of current EMS certification level, new hires will be required to successfully complete the University of Washington Micheal K. Copass Paramedic Training Program lasting approximately one year. Upon completion, Paramedics In Training will become Probationary Paramedics with KCM1. Paramedics are required to work 102 24-hour shifts per year with a starting hourly wage of $43.69 ($56.77 after 4 years of service).

Area Information

County: King
Population: 1,800,000
# of Staff: 82

Hiring Status

King County Medic One - Paramedic has 6-10 vacancies.

We have completed our application period for our Spring 2025 hiring effort. We anticipate running our next hiring process starting in January 2026. Please check back frequently or go to our hiring webpage:  If you have questions about hiring or working at King County Medic One, you can reach out via email at:

Salary Information

$25.43 per hour, + Overtime  (Approximately $68,000 during training)

$43.69 per hour, + Overtime with a work schedule of 2,448 hrs in a year upon certification

Benefit Information

Full family medical, dental and vision. LEOFF 2 Retirement. Options for Deferred Compensation and Roth IRA plans in addition. Life Insurance.

King County Medic One - Paramedic Requirements

Category Requirement Required at time of...
    Test Hire
Written Examination Yes, required
Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT) No, not required (may be required later)
Minimum Age 18
Citizenship Must have work authorization if not a citizen. Work authorization needed at time of hire.
High School Grad/ GED Yes
Driver's License Required Yes
Felony Conviction(s) as an Adult Upon job offer, all candidates will be required to pass a thorough background investigation. Candidate would be banned from employment if the felony conviction is job related.
Felony Conviction(s) as a Juvenile Upon job offer, all candidates will be required to pass a thorough background investigation. Candidate would be banned from employment if the felony conviction is job related.
Ability to Read, Speak & Write the English Language Yes
EMT Certification

Current US State or National Registry certification as an EMT, AEMT/EMT-I or Paramedic.

Paramedic Certification

Current US State or National Registry certification as an EMT, AEMT/EMT-I or Paramedic.

Prior EMT Experience Required

At the closing date of the job announcement, two years (24 months) of certification as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT or Intermediate (AEMT/EMT-I) or Paramedic. Equivalent training from outside the United States will be considered with the candidate being required to provide all relevant documentation to demonstrate equivalency.

Other King County Medic One requires candidates to complete both the Firefighter Selection Tool written exam and the EMT Exam offered by Public Safety Testing. You will not be considering for employment without a passing score on both tests.
Multiple Scores from Same Applicant We consider the highest score received within the past one year
Request/Access Scores Once Annually

King County Medic One - Paramedic Disqualifiers

The following are automatic and potential disqualifiers. Applicants should not apply to our agency if they indicate any of the automatic disqualifiers. Potential disqualifiers will be considered on a case by case basis.

Category Disqualifier
Criminal Activity
Automatic Candidates will be required to pass a thorough background investigation upon offer of employment going back ten years. Any job related felony in the past ten years would ban applicant from employment.
Automatic Less than 2 years of EMS experience
Automatic No valid/current EMT, AEMT/EMT-I or Paramedic Certification.
Automatic No valid/current Driver License.
Automatic Under age 18.

Contact Information

King County Medic One - Paramedic

20811 84th Avenue South #102
Kent, WA 98032 King County


Agency Test Requirements
Written Examination: Yes, required
CPAT: No, not required (may be required later)