Law Enforcement Officer Position

Port Angeles Police Department - Entry Level Officer



The information herein is provided by the respective agency and is only as accurate and as up-to-date as the agency representative(s) update this information. PST is not responsible for the veracity of this data as it is provided directly from the agency. It is ultimately the applicant's responsibility to verify any information about the agency with the agency.

Port Angeles Police Department - Entry Level Officer

Last updated on February 28, 2025
PST Partner Agency since October 19, 2011

Vacancy: 1

Important Information

For more information contact Chief Smith or Sgt. Malone

Community Information

Port Angeles is the largest city on the Olympic Peninsula and the county seat of Clallam County. The community adjoins Olympic National Park where multiple outdoor recreational activities abound. The community has a variety of educational facilities that include a public school system, private and parochial schools, and Peninsula Community College. Port Angeles is a two and one-half hour drive from the Seattle-Tacoma metropolitan area and a 90 minute ferry ride from Victoria, British Columbia. The community is located on the Strait of Juan de Fuca and features a large natural harbor. The current population of Port Angeles is approx 19,256. The City is noted for excellent quality of life.

Department Information

The Port Angeles Police Department is a progressive, State-accredited, community policing oriented professional agency currently consisting of 32 commissioned employees, and a civilian contingent of 26 that are primarily responsible for records and dispatch. The department has a School Resource Officer and an officer assigned to a multi-agency Drug Task Force. Additionally, we staff a detective division and two K-9 officers. Contractual benefits include vacation and 12 holidays, overtime, sick leave, quartermaster uniform system, standby pay, educational incentive pay, and longevity pay. Officers also take patrol cars home, subject to 10 mile response time. Additional information can be found on the City of Port Angeles web site . Initial assignment: Following appointment and successful completion of the Basic Academy (new hire only) the appointee will be assigned to a Field Training Officer for a minimum of 14 weeks of additional training before being assigned to patrol duties.

We are approved for the GI Bill Apprenticeship and on the job training program.

Patrol officers work 11 hour days and work four days on followed by 4 days off. This allows for an increased number of days off per year allowing officers to spend more time with their families, be well rested and achieve a better work, home balance.

Area Information

County: Clallam
Population: 19,256
# of Staff:

Hiring Status

Port Angeles Police Department - Entry Level Officer has 1 vacancy.

The eligibility list is a continuous listing and maintained as scores are received from PST with oral board interviews conducted on an as-needed basis. Vacancies are filled under Civil Service Rules with any of the top ten candidates being eligible for a Chief's interview and subsequent background investigation and selection as vacancies occur.

Number of Current Vacancies: 1    (PAPD continues to create a hiring list.)

Salary Information

$76,089.23 annually pus excellent benefits (2024 salary schedule)

Benefit Information

Medical, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance, LTD, EAP, Retirement, Educational Incentive Pay, Longevity Pay, employee pays only 11.5% of medical premiums.

Longevity Pay:

2% at 5 years;

4% at 10 years;

6% at 15 years;

8% at 20 years

Port Angeles Police Department - Entry Level Officer Requirements

Category Requirement Required at time of...
    Test Hire
Written Examination Yes, required
LEO/CO Physical Ability Test (PAT) Yes, required

Your physical ability test must be completed 180 days (~6 months) before or after your passing written exam.

PST Personal History Statement  
Minimum Age 21
Citizenship US Citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident.
High School Grad/ GED Yes
Driver's License Required Yes
Ability to Read, Speak & Write the English Language Yes
Vision Requirements Correctable to 20/20
College Requirement Applicants must have completed 90 quarter hours or 60 semester hours from an accredited College or University.
Multiple Scores from Same Applicant We consider all the scores from the same applicant

Port Angeles Police Department - Entry Level Officer Disqualifiers

The following are automatic and potential disqualifiers. Applicants should not apply to our agency if they indicate any of the automatic disqualifiers. Potential disqualifiers will be considered on a case by case basis.

Category Disqualifier
Automatic 1 or more traffic crime convictions in the last 5 years (DWI, Suspended, Reckless, etc.).
Automatic Convicted of Reckless Driving, Driving Under the Influence, Driving After Suspended or Revoked within preceding 5 years
Automatic 3 or more moving violations in past 3 years.
Automatic 2 or more at-fault accidents in past 3 years.
Potential Received more than three moving traffic violations within the preceding 3 years; or received a reckless driving or driving after suspended/revoked violation within the preceding 5 years
Potential Suspension or revocation of driving license within the preceding 5 years.
Potential Excessive traffic violations.
Potential Involvement in more than one motor vehicle accident within the preceding 3 years for which the applicant received a traffic or criminal citation and was convicted, forfeited bail, or entered a plea of “guilty”or “nolo contendere”.
Automatic Contact PAPD for additional information.
Drug Usage
Automatic Illegal use of ANY controlled substance while employed in a criminal justice capacity.
Automatic Sold marijuana, narcotics or dangerous drugs.
Automatic Has or had a pattern of abusing prescription medication.
Automatic Used any narcotic or dangerous drug by injection.
Automatic Used any dangerous drug or narcotic (excluding marijuana) within the past 5 years, for any purpose.
Automatic Used any dangerous drug or narcotic (excluding marijuana) more than 3 times in totality.
Potential Use of marijuana within the past 2 years, for any purpose
Potential Alcohol or substance misuse and/or abuse, other than above.
Automatic Contact PAPD for additional information.
Criminal Activity
Automatic Any adult felony conviction.
Automatic Any misdemeanor, or felony conviction while employed in a criminal justice capacity.
Automatic Been previously employed as a law enforcement employee and since has committed or violated federal, state or city laws pertaining to criminal activity.
Automatic Been convicted of a felony (or pled no contend ere to a felony charge), or any offense that would be a felony if committed in Washington State.
Automatic Been convicted of any crime under a domestic violence statute, been convicted of stalking or unlawful sexual misconduct.
Automatic Committed any serious violation of Federal, State, City or County laws.
Potential Commission of a felony.
Potential Incarceration after conviction for any crime.
Potential Juvenile felony conviction will be carefully reviewed.
Potential Adult misdemeanor convictions will be carefully reviewed.
Automatic Contact PAPD for additional information.
Automatic Has received a dishonorable discharge from the United States armed forces.
Automatic Lied during any stage of the hiring process.
Automatic Falsified his or her personal history questionnaire or application.
Potential Has received other than an honorable discharge from the United States armed forces.
Automatic Contact PAPD for additional information.
Potential Debts—A demonstrated unwillingness to honor fiscal contracts or just debts.
Automatic Contact PAPD for additional information.
Potential Any other conduct or pattern of conduct that would tend to disrupt, diminish, or otherwise jeopardize public trust in the law enforcement profession.
Automatic Contact PAPD for additional information.

Contact Information

Port Angeles Police Department - Entry Level Officer

321 E. 5th Street
Port Angeles, WA 98362 Clallam County


Agency Test Requirements
Written Examination: Yes, required
PAT: Yes, required

PST Personal History Statement:

Other Port Angeles Police Department positions

Communication Officer/Dispatcher
Lateral Police Officer