Corrections Position

Skagit County Sheriff's Office - Corrections Deputy



The information herein is provided by the respective agency and is only as accurate and as up-to-date as the agency representative(s) update this information. PST is not responsible for the veracity of this data as it is provided directly from the agency. It is ultimately the applicant's responsibility to verify any information about the agency with the agency.

Skagit County Sheriff's Office - Corrections Deputy

Last updated on March 13, 2025
PST Partner Agency since March 22, 2012

Vacancies: 9

Important Information

Hiring bonus - one time $10,000 for new deputies and $15,000 for lateral deputies.

On March 1, 2025, Public Safety Testing will be transitioning to a new test for an Entry Level Corrections Deputy. Candidates who successfully complete testing with Public Safety Testing after March 1, 2025, will be placed on a new Skagit County Civil Service Commission Continuous hiring list for an Entry Level Corrections Deputy.

Candidates who have successfully completed testing with Public Safety Testing before March 1, 2025, and have been placed on the Skagit County Civil Service Commission Continuous hiring list for an Entry Level Corrections Deputy , will remain on the current hiring list until the register is exhausted or until April 15, 2025, at which time the hiring list will expire. (The list is no longer valid or used).

After April 15, 2025, candidates from the old hiring list who wish to be on the new hiring list will need to take the new Public Safety Testing test.

Community Information

Skagit County is located in the northwest portion of Washington State, USA between Seattle, Washington and Vancouver, B.C. Canada. The majestic Cascade Mountains stand to the east, overlooking a fertile valley boasting a variety of agricultural crops. Running through the valley is the powerful Skagit River flowing westward toward the beautiful San Juan Islands. World famous tulip fields blanket the valley in the spring. Flocks of Canadian geese, snow geese and trumpeter swans can be seen here in the winter. Bald eagles soar overhead year round and great blue herons stand along the shorelines.

Additional benefits of working in Skagit County include:

Low cost of living

No Traffic

Abundant outdoor activities

Outlet center

45 minutes from Seattle

For More Information, please visit

Department Information

Corrections staff are assigned to the Skagit County Community Justice Center, a state-of-the-art, 400-bed facility which recently opened in 2017. It is funded with sales tax dollars from the County along with the cities and towns located in Skagit County. The facility has full-time medical staff, rooms for classroom teaching, a kitchen area for food preparation instruction, and an attached courtroom. New hires will join a dedicated team consisting of 58 deputies, 8 sergeants, 2 lieutenants, and a Chief.

The Skagit County Sheriff's Office Corrections Division is an around the clock operation and is responsible for providing safe and secure housing of inmates being held in the custody of the Skagit County Jail.

The jail staff are also responsible for inmate movement outside of the jail facility, such as court appearances and medical appointments. Additionally, the jail is responsible for peripheral duties that include Medical Liaison, Jail Billing, Court Security, and Jail Alternatives.

Skagit County, as an equal employment opportunity employer, encourages applicants from diverse backgrounds to apply

Area Information

County: Skagit
Population: 120,000
# of Staff: 154

Hiring Status

Skagit County Sheriff's Office - Corrections Deputy has 9 vacancies.

Vacancies: 9

The eligibility list is a continuous listing and maintained as scores are received from PST with oral board interviews conducted on an as-needed basis. Vacancies are filled by Civil Service "rule of three" with the top three candidates forwarded to the appointing authority for background investigation & selection as vacancies occur.


Salary Information

Current Corrections Salary:

Corrections Deputy Starting $30.05-$39.60 (Top step) per hour

Lateral Corrections Deputy Starting $30.50-$39.60 (Top step) per hour

Incentives are given for retention, education, shift, and premiums. Longevity incentives are paid at years 1 through 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 years.

Benefit Information

The Skagit County Sheriff's Office offers extremely competitive salaries and the following benefits: Health, dental, vision and life insurance. Paid Vacation, sick leave and holidays. Education and incentive pay. All uniforms and duty gear provided with no out of pocket costs. PSERS retirement. Paid training. Excellent advancement opportunities.

Skagit County Sheriff's Office - Corrections Deputy Requirements

Category Requirement Required at time of...
    Test Hire
Written Examination Yes, required
LEO/CO Physical Ability Test (PAT) Yes, required

Your physical ability test must be completed 180 days (~6 months) before or after your passing written exam.

PST Personal History Statement Yes, required within 14 days of passing required exam(s)  
Minimum Age 21
Citizenship US Citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident.
High School Grad/ GED Yes
Driver's License Required Yes
Felony Conviction(s) as an Adult None.
Felony Conviction(s) as a Juvenile None.
Ability to Read, Speak & Write the English Language Yes
Vision Requirements Must be able to see with or without corrective lens

Skagit County Sheriff's Office - Corrections Deputy Disqualifiers

The following are automatic and potential disqualifiers. Applicants should not apply to our agency if they indicate any of the automatic disqualifiers. Potential disqualifiers will be considered on a case by case basis.

Category Disqualifier
Drug Usage
Potential Other drug use outside these standards will be considered on case by case basis
Criminal Activity
Automatic Any adult felony conviction.
Potential Adult misdemeanor convictions will be carefully reviewed
Automatic Been convicted of any crime under a domestic violence statue.
Automatic Lied during any stage of the hiring process.
Automatic Falsified his or her application, personal history questionnaire, or any other forms during hiring process.
Automatic Previous revocation or denial of (CJTC/POST) certified status, or suspension of current (CJTC/POST) certified status
Potential Current credit accounts, or unresolved accounts in collection will be carefully reviewed

Contact Information

Skagit County Sheriff's Office - Corrections Deputy

600 South Third
Mount Vernon, WA 98273 Skagit County


Contact a Recruiter
Agency Test Requirements
Written Examination: Yes, required
PAT: Yes, required

PST Personal History Statement: Yes, required within 14 days of passing required exam(s)

Other Skagit County Sheriff's Office positions

Deputy Sheriff
Lateral Corrections Deputy
Lateral / BLEA Certified Deputy Sheriff