Law Enforcement Officer Position

Walla Walla County Sheriff's Office - Deputy Sheriff



The information herein is provided by the respective agency and is only as accurate and as up-to-date as the agency representative(s) update this information. PST is not responsible for the veracity of this data as it is provided directly from the agency. It is ultimately the applicant's responsibility to verify any information about the agency with the agency.

Walla Walla County Sheriff's Office - Deputy Sheriff

Last updated on February 25, 2025
PST Partner Agency since October 19, 2011

Vacancy: 1

Important Information

Please visit the Walla Walla County Civil Service Commission website for more information on the hiring process Civil Service Commission (

TRANSITION TO NEW TEST - Walla Walla County Civil Service Commission current list will expire on March 1, 2025.  The new list with new test will begin on March 2, 2025.  If you have a current score with us and would like to continue on our list please take the new test through Public Safety Testing beginning March 1, 2025.  If you have any questions please email Chief Examiner Angela Weston at  Thank you.

Community Information

“Walla Walla County the largest county in southeast Washington and home to approximately 60,000 residents. With Columbia County, it forms a metropolitan statistical area. It is also intimately tied to the other surrounding counties of Benton to the west, Franklin to the north and Umatilla (OR) to the south. Nestled at the base of the Blue Mountains, Walla Walla is one of the oldest communities in the state. Its main industries are agriculture, healthcare, manufacturing and higher education. The county's ethnic make-up is increasingly diverse. The Walla Walla area has been known historically for its agricultural based economy; however, the influence of three hospitals, three colleges, the United States Army Corps of Engineers, the Washington State Penitentiary and urbanites fleeing the “big city” for a better quality of life have helped stabilize the valley’s overall economy.

The Walla Walla County Sheriff’s Office embraces those looking for a rural American feel and places our deputies’ family first over everything. We are building a team that care for one another on a personal level, not just as co-workers. As a deputy with WWSO, you will be joining a family that is there for each other day and night. We live by our sworn oath, code of conduct, and the core values of Honor, Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Commitment, Duty, and Fairness! We are looking for men and women from all backgrounds who want to make the Walla Walla Valley a safer place for everyone!

We have equitable shift work no matter your rank or tenure. Patrol is covered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with 12 hour shifts allowing for every other Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off! Our patrol team is made up of four patrol squads each having a sergeant, corporal, and three deputies. We have an SRO at the biggest high school in the county and a walk-and-talk program at all the other county schools. We also have a DARE program! We have a detective bureau with a Crime Analysis Technician and are partners in a regional drug and gang task force. We are partners in a regional SWAT team and have SWAT and/or negotiator trained deputies on every patrol squad, a standalone K9 unit, marine unit, search and rescue team, and many other contemporary teams such as peer support. We also have a take home car program and allow out of county residence.

WWSO has state of the art equipment and training. We work and train very closely with all law and fire agencies within our county regularly. WWSO deputies have a strong union with competitive pay, benefits, and incentives as well as very successful non-profit organization formed by civilian volunteers. We have a command staff that fully support our deputies and civilian personnel and believe whole heartedly in the WWSO Vision, Mission, and Core Values.

Walla Walla is arguably the most law enforcement supportive community in Washington State. We urge you to research the area, come on a ride-along, and see for yourself why WWSO is Washington’s most exclusive mid-sized agency to be a part of!

For more information:

WWSO Facebook:

Walla Walla County Website:

Department Information


The Vision of the Walla Walla County Sheriff’s Office is to be amongst the finest law enforcement agencies in the State of Washington; one which consistently delivers the highest quality public service in an effort to make Walla Walla the safest county in the nation. Our Mission is to safeguard the lives, property, and rights of the people we serve; reduce the incidence and fear of crime; and to enhance public safety while working with our community to improve their quality of life. Our mandate is to do so with Honor and Integrity, while at all times conducting ourselves with the highest ethical standards to maintain the confidence of the public we serve.

The Mission of the Walla Walla County Sheriff’s Office is to safeguard the lives, property, and rights of the people we serve; reduce the incidence and fear of crime; and to enhance public safety while working with our community to improve their quality of life.

Our mandate is to do so with honor and integrity, while at all times conducting ourselves with the highest ethical standards to maintain the confidence of the public we serve.

Core Values
The Walla Walla County Sheriff's Office recognize the seven pointed star badge of our office which we are privileged to wear as a symbol of public trust. With the heptagram being an ancient traditional symbol for warding off evil, each point of our badge represents one of our seven Core Values:


Our daily actions shall embody our Vision, Mission, Core Values, and Code of Ethics.


We shall always do what is legally and morally right. We are honest and truthful in our words, and our actions shall match our words. Our integrity will build trust and confidence. Integrity is our moral defense against corruption


We bear true faith and allegiance to the United States of America, the State of Washington, and the County of Walla Walla. We are loyal and faithful to our fellow law enforcement officers and the citizens we serve


We shall have the personal courage to stand up for what is right. We will remain courageous and calm in the face of danger


We are committed to our profession, the vision and mission of the Walla Walla County Sheriff’s Office, and an accountable partnership with our community.


We will fulfill our obligations with selfless service and reverence for the law.


We will be courteous, just, and impartial in all of our interactions. We respect law and order and the individual. We will apply our knowledge and experience for the best advantage of all concerned. We will treat everyone with dignity and our decisions shall be made without personal favor.

The Walla Walla County Sheriff’s Office consists of a three member Command Staff; an Administrative Services Division and an Operations Division. The Operations Division is comprised of the Chief Operations Deputy, a 20 member Patrol Bureau, a 3 member Detective Bureau, a Crime Analyst Technician, and a Registered Offender Coordinator.

Deputy Sheriff is a line level law enforcement peace officer position that includes assignment to either the Patrol Bureau or Detective Bureau of Operations Division and is responsible for the preservation of the public peace, protection of life and property, prevention of crime, investigation of crime, arrest of law violators, and proper enforcement of all laws and ordinances of Walla Walla County, Washington State, and the United States as applicable. Deputy Sheriffs are assigned a take home patrol vehicle.

Walla Walla County is the home to over 60,000 residents, consists of 1,295 square miles and over 1,000 miles of county roads.

 Duty Opportunities:


K-9 Officer

School Resource Officer

DARE Officer

Collision Investigator

Drug Recognition Expert

Mountain Patrols

Marine Boat Patrols

Area Information

County: Walla Walla
Population: 60,000
# of Staff: 28

Hiring Status

Walla Walla County Sheriff's Office - Deputy Sheriff has 1 vacancy.

Eligible Candidates are Encouraged to Apply!  We keep an ongoing Eligibility List.

Salary Information

2024 Deputy Base Pay $5,729 - $8034

2025 Deputy Base Pay $6,015 - $8,436

Education Incentive Pay - 2% for AA/AS or 4% BA/BS

Instructor - 1% added to pay

Corporal - 3% added to pay

Serving as FTO - 3% added to pay

Detectives - 3% added to pay

Canine - 1% added to pay

SWAT - 2% added to pay

Bilingual in Spanish 1% added to pay

Fitness Incentive pay


Benefit Information

Benefits Include:

Medical, Life, Dental & Vision Covered for Employee, 75% for Dependents

LEOFF II Retirement System

Take Home Vehicles

Walla Walla County Sheriff's Office - Deputy Sheriff Requirements

Category Requirement Required at time of...
    Test Hire
Written Examination Yes, required
LEO/CO Physical Ability Test (PAT) Yes, required

Your physical ability test must be completed 180 days (~6 months) before or after your passing written exam.

PST Personal History Statement Yes, required within 14 days of passing required exam(s)  
Minimum Age 21
Citizenship US Citizen / Lawful Permanent Resident / DACA-Recipient
High School Grad/ GED Yes
Driver's License Required Valid Washington State Driver's License
Felony Conviction(s) as an Adult None.
Felony Conviction(s) as a Juvenile None.
Ability to Read, Speak & Write the English Language Yes
Vision Requirements Correctable to 20/20
Veterans Preference Points Yes
Other Preference Points Yes, preference points will be awarded to those who qualify related to Language Proficiency (other than English), Volunteer or Professional Experience, and/or Education Qualifications (AA degree or higher)
Other The Successful Candidate shall, among other things:
• Successfully complete the WSCJTC Basic Law Enforcement during their probationary period.
• Successfully complete a probationary period commencing at date of hire and ending 12 months post academy graduation date or field training program completion.
• Be able to work 12 hour rotating shifts.
• Able to work both voluntary and mandatory overtime.
• Successfully complete all other training as required by the Walla Walla County Sheriff’s Office policy.
Multiple Scores from Same Applicant We consider the highest score received within the past one year
Request/Access Scores On an as-needed basis as vacancies occur

Walla Walla County Sheriff's Office - Deputy Sheriff Disqualifiers

The following are automatic and potential disqualifiers. Applicants should not apply to our agency if they indicate any of the automatic disqualifiers. Potential disqualifiers will be considered on a case by case basis.

Category Disqualifier
Automatic DUI crime convictions in last 5 years.
Potential Suspension of driver's license within past 3 years.
Potential 5 or more moving violations in past 3 years.
Potential 2 or more at-fault accidents in past 2 years.
Drug Usage
Automatic Illegal drug substance usage within past 3 years.
Potential Other drug use outside these standards will be considered on case by case basis.
Potential Other drug use outside these standards will be considered on case by case basis.
Automatic No illegal sale of ANY drug, including marijuana.
Automatic Pattern of illegal use of prescription medication.
Criminal Activity
Automatic Any adult felony conviction.
Automatic Any misdemeanor, or felony conviction while employed in a criminal justice capacity.
Automatic Juvenile felony conviction will be carefully reviewed.
Automatic Juvenile felony conviction will be carefully reviewed.
Automatic Juvenile felony conviction will be carefully reviewed.
Automatic Juvenile felony conviction will be carefully reviewed.
Automatic 2 or more terminations, or leaving employer in lieu of termination
Automatic Withdrawn from consideration for any (law enforcement/fire/corrections/dispatch) employment because of the following reasons: criminal conviction or drug usage.
Automatic Been dishonorably discharged from the United States armed forces.
Automatic Lied during any stage of the hiring process.
Automatic Falsified his or her application, personal history questionnaire, or any other forms during hiring process.
Potential Previous revocation or denial of (CJTC/POST) certified status, or suspension of current (CJTC/POST) certified status.
Potential Failure to pay income tax or child support.
Potential Failure to pay income tax or child support.

Contact Information

Walla Walla County Sheriff's Office - Deputy Sheriff

240 W. Alder St.
Walla Walla, WA 99362 Walla Walla County


Contact a Recruiter
Agency Test Requirements
Written Examination: Yes, required
PAT: Yes, required

PST Personal History Statement: Yes, required within 14 days of passing required exam(s)

Other Walla Walla County Sheriff's Office positions

Lateral Deputy Sheriff